Host: David
WHFR.FM http://whfr.fm/index.php

Join your
host, David
Twichell, the first Monday of each month at 2:00 PM
EST on
radio, when we explore the mysteries
of the UFO and abduction phenomenon with a new guest each month.
Archived shows:
Click on
guest’s name to listen to the one hour
Note: The show begins
minutes from start of play – stay tuned.
Please visit
David’s website at http://www.ufoimplications.com
Guest: "Kathleen Marden":
Ksthleen Marden's amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first
scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for
the answers.
Aired: March 3,2025
Guest: "Ray Szymanski":
Ray Szymanski is the award-winning author of the "Alien Shades of Greys Trilogy." Ray is
a retired Wright-Patterson AFB Senior Engineer being privy to much of our UFO secrets - the
hardware and their occupants.
Aired: February 3,2025
Guest: "Brit Elders":
Brit Elders is an author and documentary filmmaker who traveled the world
investigating the mysterious world of UFOs. Brit has participated in several in-depth
investigatons, including the Billy Meier case and the waves of UFO sightings in
Mexico. Brit is the author of "UFO...Contact from the Pleiades."
Aired: January 6,2025
Guest: "Daryl Stangl":
Daryl Stangl is a former Assistant State Director for the Mutual UFO Network in Iowa and
has been a UFO and Paranormal Investigator for the past 25 years. Daryl is also a
hypnotherapist and has used the practice to explore some of the hidden memories of
those who claim to have been abducted by alien beings, a phenomenon of which he has
also been a party.
Aired: December 2,2024
Guest: "Michael Schratt":
Michael Schratt is a pilot and military historian. He has lectured across the
country on the recovery of crash debris of what he has dubbed, "Mystery Aircraft,"
and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex.
Aired: November 4,2024
Guest: "Dustin Eskelsen":
Dustin Eskelsen is the MUFON State Director for Utah. He is a member of MUFON's ERT
(Experiencer Resource Team) which investigates cases of close encounters and abductions.
Of course, Utah is home to Skinwalker Ranch which we discuss.
Aired: October 7,2024
Guest: "Preston Dennett":
Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered
that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters.
Preston has authored over 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal.
Aired: September 2,2024
Guest: "Barbra Sobhani":
Barbra Sobhani is the State Director for NASA's Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC).
Barbra manages the statewide COSGC higher ed affiliate for Space and Aerospace projects
and research. She is a MUFON Board member and the managing editor of the MUFON Journal monthly
Aired: August 5,2024
Guest: "Barry Roth":
Our guest is Barry Roth with the Colorado chapter of MUFON, He is currently the
treasurer, public relations director, and historical education speialist. Barry was tasked
with putting together an information and education program on the history of ufology.
He recently published the book, "A Brief History of Ufology 1941-2011."
Aired: July 1,2024
Guest: "Dana Louise":
The Grays began visiting Dana Louise as an infant in her crib. After that, the
entire Supernatural and Paranormal worlds began to drop by. Dana stayed quiet
about her adventures - until now.
Aired: June 3,2024
Guest: "Dan Harary":
Dan Harary is a veteran Hollywood publicist, author, podcast host, and
chairman of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. Tune in to hear a few names of
famous people who have had UAP experiences.
Aired: May 6,2024
Guest: "Stan Gordon":
Stan Gordon has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other
mysterious events in Pennsylvania since 1959. He is the primary investigator of
the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA.
Aired: April 1,2024
Guest: "Ryan Wood":
Ryan first became exposed to UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert M. Wood, was engaged
in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity
for McDonnell Douglas. Ryan is the author of "Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters
with Extraterrestrial Technology."
Aired: March 4,2024
Guest: "Robert Spearing":
Robert Spearing is the co-founder of MUFON's "Project Aquarius", which has compiled UFO
reports and investigations from all over the world. These files are being digitized and made
available for public information.
Aired: Febuary 5,2024
Guest: "Mindy Tautfest":
Mindy was the Oklahoma State Director of MUFON and the author of the recently published book,
"Dying to Meet Them: One Woman's Incredible Journey from N.D.E. to U.A.P." She is published on
both books and articles on Near Death Experiences (NDE) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Aired: January 1,2024
Guest: "Ted Roe":
Ted Roe is co-founder and Executive Director of the National Aviation Reporting Center
on Anomalous Phenomena, or NARCAP, which was established in 1999 with the focus on
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP, and aviation safety.
Aired: December 4, 2023
Guest: "Debbie Ziegelmeyer":
Debbie Ziegelmeyer is a MUFON Star Team Investigator, Missouri State Director, member
of the MUFON Business Board of Directors, Functional Director of Underwater Research and
Recovery, co-founder of the MUFON Dive Team, and a professional diving instructor.
Aired: November 6, 2023
Guest: "Phil Kava":
Phil Kava, along with other family members and friends, has witnessed UFOs over Lake
Michigan in the past. Phil claims he has the ability to mentally summon these UFOs by
meditation - otherwise known as C5 contact.
Aired: October 2, 2023
Guest: "Stephen Bassett":
Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate, and executive director of
Paradigm Research Group founded in 1996 to end a government-imposed embargo on the truth
behind extraterrestrial phenomena.
Aired: September 4, 2023
Guest: "Sam Maranto":
Sam Maranto is a media consultant and Illinois State Director for MUFON known for his work
on the UAP Tinley Park Mass Sightings of 2004, Chicago O'Hare Gate C17 incident of 2006, and the
Chicago Mothman flap.
Aired: August 7, 2023
Guest: "Debra Jordan-Kauble":
Debra Jordan-Kauble, the subject of Budd Hopkins' book "Intruders: The Incredible Visitations
at Copley Woods," is our guest. Debra relays the true story behind the book and CBS TV mini-series.
Aired: July 3, 2023
Guest: "Preston Dennett":
Preston Dennett began investigation UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that
his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters.
Aired: June 5, 2023
Guest: "Mary Bassett":
Mary Bassett is a licensed professional hypnosis regressionist. She has performed
nearly 100 regressions to date. Her passion with her work is to guide others into a
deeper understanding and knowledge of their alien contact experiences so they may
move forward in life in peace with the answers they need.
Aired: May 1, 2023
Guest: "Steve Aspin":
Steve Aspin's new book "Out of Time" is his first book on the subject of UFO and
abduction research. Following a lifetime of what are often described as "anomalous
experiences" his serious interest in this complex subject began in 2007 when he
realized the phenomenon was not only real but was happening to him and had been
all his life.
Aired: April 3, 2023
Guest: "T.J. Ryan":
T.J. is host of the podcast "Out There" where he interviews psychics, mediums, UFO
witnesses and all things paranormal. T,J, has had UAP sightings since childhood and
more recently in May of 2022, T.J. had another kind of sighting that raised my interest:
He witnessed a passenger plane that appeared to be frozen in mid air at a comparatively
close proximity. Optical illusion? Perhaps. But that wouldn't answer the question as
to why there was no sound associated with the event, or why so many others have had
similar experiences around the world.
Aired: March 6, 2023
Guest: "Rey Hernandez":
Rey Hernandez is currently the Director of the Consciousness and Contact Research
Institute. Rey is one of the four co-founders of "FREE" the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation
for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Rey and his entire family have experienced
conscious physical contact with non-human intelligence in their family home.
Aired: February 6, 2023
Guest: "Jack Bushong":
Jack Bushong is a retired meteorologist with the National Weather Service and was on
duty the evening of March 8, 1994 when he tracked multiple UAPs on radar over Lake Michigan.
The event has been chronicled in an "Unsolved Mysteries" episode on Netflix entitled
"Something Strange in the Sky."
Aired: January 2, 2023
Guest: "Stan Gordon":
Stan Gordon has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other mysterious
events in Pennsylvania since 1959. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident
that occurred near Kecksburg, PA. Stan has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange
reports from the public since 1969 and continues to receive reports on a regular basis.
Aired: December 5, 2022
Guest: "Paul Blake Smith":
Paul Blake Smith is the author of "President Eisenhower's Close Encounters" just released
via Foundations Publishing, Paul previously authored "MO41, The Bombshell Before Roswell" related
to the April 1941 UFO event outside his hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri as well as other
books resulting from his research into UAP matters. Paul has been a guest on "Coast to Coast AM,"
Linda Moulton Howe's "Earthfiles" report, and has been interviewed by longtime investigative
reporter, George Knapp.
Aired: November 7, 2022
Guest: "Kevin J. Briggs":
Kevin Briggs is an author specializing in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His
recently published book "Spiritual Consciousness a Personal Journey" covers 57 years of his
experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin has been a guest on the Whitley Strieber
radio show, Unknown Country, and many others.
Aired: October 3, 2022
Guest: "Kevin J. Briggs":
Kevin Briggs is an author specializing in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His
recently published book "Spiritual Consciousness a Personal Journey" covers 57 years of his
experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin has been a guest on the Whitley Strieber
radio show, Unknown Country, and many others.
Aired: September 5, 2022
Guest: "Peter Robbins":
Peter Robbins is one of America's most respected investigative writers specializing
in the subject of UFOs. Peter has been involved in this field for more than thirty years,
as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, activist and author. We discuss his
presentation at the 2022 MUFON International Symposium in Denver, CO, and the effect of
the recent congressional hearing on UAPs.
Aired: August 1, 2022
Guest: "Kathleen Marden":
Kathleen is a researcher, author, on camera expert, and conference presenter whose
research has extended to archival collections and the US government's involvement in the
investigation of UFOs and its major studies. Kathleen's interest in UFOs and contact began
in 1961 when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill, had a close encounter and subsequent
abduction in New Hampshire's White Mountains. Kathleen discusses her latest book, "Forbidden
Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation."
Aired: July 4, 2022
Guest: "Chuck Zukowski":
Chuck Zukowski has been investigating the UFO/Paranormal phenomenon for about 35 years and has
appeared on numerous radio and television shows discussing his investigations. In 2016 Ben Mezrich
released his book, "The 37th Parallel", The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway (a TV
show in which Chuck Zukowski starred).
Aired: June 6, 2022
Guest: "Scott and Suzanne Ramsey,
Frank Thayer, Ph.D.":
Scott and Suzanne Ramsey are the foremost researchers into the Aztec UFO Incident, having worked
on the story since 1987, discovering archives and pursuing interviews throught the U.S. They are
joined by Frank Thayer, Ph.D. to discuss their book, "The Aztec UFO Incident."
Aired: May 2, 2022
Guest: "Martha Twichell":
Martha Twichell (a pseudonym) is David's sister. She is 3 years his senior, born and raised
in Detroit, Michigan and has lived in the area all her life. She has been a life-long alien
experiencer and discusses her recollections of other worldly beings.
Aired: April 4, 2022
Guest: "David Twichell":
David Twichell is the guest this time and Tony Sivalelli is the guest host. Twichell discusses his own
personal close encounter UFO sighting as well as the many other paranormal encounters he has experienced
in his life that led him to developing We Are Not Alone for WHFR radio.
Aired: March 7, 2022
Guest: "Tony Sivalelli":
Tony Sivalelli has looked into the possibility of what he refers to as "Not-of-this-Earth-Intelligences"
for over 25 years. He has authored a book titled "Ambassadors to the Stars" which explores this theme from a
variety of angles.Tony also teaches what is called Basic Scientific Remote Viewing.
Aired: February 7, 2022
Guest: "Terry Tibando":
Terry Tibando is a long-time researcher, ET experiencer, and author whose knowledge on this phenomenon
spans 68 years. Terry has written a six volume encyclopedic textbook series entitled "A Citizen's
Disclosure on UFOs and ETI" that covers every aspect of the UFO and ETI subject revealing more about
humanity's response to visiting ETI and their global presence.
Aired: January 3, 2022
Guest: "Rev. Michael J.S. Carter":
Rev. Michael J.S. Carter is an ordained Interfaith Minister, author, and alien contactee. We discuss
his personal experiences and how he was able to assimilate his ET experiences with his religious faith.
Aired: December 6, 2021
Guest: "Dan Wright":
Dan Wright has an MA degree in political science and was a career state employee. Dan is a former
Michigan State Director for MUFON and will discuss his "Great Questions Project." Dan wrote to well over
100 MUFON members with an MS, PhD, JD, MD, or DD to solicit essays on the topic of UAP (unidentified aerial
Aired: November 1, 2021
Guest: "Bill Konkolesky":
Bill Konkolesky has been the State Director of the Michigan Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network since 2004.
After a lifetime of his own UFO and abduction encounters, Bill has spent the last three decades actively
investigating these otherworldly phenomena, trying to make some sense of the bizarre events that have
happened to him personally. Bill shares some "high strangeness" cases he has recounted in his latest book
"Experiencer 2: Two Worlds Collide."
Aired: October 4, 2021
Guest: "Joseph Foster":
Quartermaster Joseph Foster was on deck of a Coast Guard cutter in 1968 when he saw three objects careening
at 3,500 miles per hour over his Coast Guard cutter. Just ten minutes later, he learned of the sinking of a Soviet
submarine, carrying three armed nuclear ballistic missiles amd torpedoes, lost with all hands. Foster
witnessed at least 4 major UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) events, beginning as early as childhood.
Aired: September 6, 2021
Guest: "Tom Warner":
Tom Warner was abducted and taken aboard a UAP in 1969 (and later as well) in the presence of
multiple witnesses. The events are chronicled in his autobiography "Beyond the Stars" and in the
Netflix series Unsolved Mysteries, "Berkshire UFO".
Aired: August 2, 2021
Guest: "Stephen Bassett":
Stephen is the only registered Washington, D.C. lobbyist for the disclosure of the UFO/UAP phenomenon.
Stephen discusses the US government's reluctance to share their knowledge of alien visitation with the
public. He also discusses the recent admission by the Pentagon of the UAP reality and the potential effect
it might have on citizens worldwide.
Aired: July 5, 2021
Guest: "Cheryl Lynn Carter":
Cheryl is a freelance journalist, author, psychic medium, remote viewer and UFO experiencer.
She has worked closely with law enforcement agencies in the past to help locate missing persons
and murder suspects. Cheryl describes her past encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Aired: June 7, 2021
Guest: "Rey Hernandez":
Rey is a Co-Founder of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and
Extraordinary Encounters. Rey has published several peer reviewed academic articles on Consciousness
and the FREE Experiencer Research Study, and was a co-editor of an 820 page book titled "Beyond UFOs:
The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence."
Aired: March 3, 2020
Guest: "Kathleen Marden":
Kathleen Marden discusses her lifelong work with UFOs, alien contact, and spirituality.
If our loyal listeners will recall, Kathleen is the niece of the now famous Betty and Barney Hill.
Remember, after the broadcast, the show is available as a podcast from this website.
Click on Talk Shows - Tuesday Forum, then select the desired date.
Aired: February 4, 2020
Guest: "Cheryl Costa":
Cheryl Costa is a native of upstate New York who saw her first UFO at age 12. She's a military
veteran and a retired information security professional from the aerospace industry. She's been a
speaker at the International UFO Congress and the MUFON Symposium. Cheryl writes the UFO column
"New York Skies" for SyracuseNewTimes.com.
Aired: January 7, 2020
Guest: "Jennifer Stewart":
Jennifer Stewart is an instructor at Henry Ford College who teaches sign language to the dear and hard
of hearing. Outside of her chosen career, Jennifer finds the UFO topic of great interest. Studies have shown
the higher the educational level of the individual, the more apt they are to accept the fact we are being
visited by a more advanced race of beings.
Aired: December 3, 2019
Guest: "Terry Tibando":
Terry Tibando discusses his book, "Global Evidence of the UFO and ETI Presence." It is the first book
in a series of 6 volumes that was origially written as a single 3,500 page treatise entitled, "A Citizen's
Disclosure on UFOs and ETI."
Aired: November 5, 2019
Guest: "Dan Wright":
Dan Wright discusses his most recent book, "The CIA/UFO Papers." These declassified files were a gift
from the outgoing President Barack Obama, released in his final days as president.
Aired: October 1, 2019
Guest: "Thom Reed":
Thom Reed has been in the public's eye ever since he, along with his brother, mother and grandmother,
were abducted in 1969 in Sheffield, Massachusetts. The Reed Incident made new headlines in 2015 when it
became the nation's first UFO encounter to be officially inducted into the archives of the United States,
as "Historically Significant and True." Hear the whole story from Thom himself.
Aired: September 3, 2019
Guest: "Jennifer Stein":
Jennifer Stein produced the excellent documentary "Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton," the
subject of the book and movie, "Fire in the Sky." Jennifer discusses the documentary and her latest research.
Aired: August 13, 2019
Guest: "Jan Harzan":
Jan Harzan, Executive Director of the Mutual UFO Network, joins host David Twichell to discuss the
latest revelation in Ufology, which is the Pentagon's admission they have been studying UFOs ever since
they denied studying UFOs as well as the declassification of video evidence.
Aired: July 2, 2019
Guest: "Paul Hellyer":
Paul Hellyer was the former minister of defense for Canada in the 1960's and the first person of
Cabinet rank to make the statement, "UFO's are as real as the airplanes overhead." Mr. Hellyer has
authored various political and financial books and two of his latest books reference the UFO phenomenon
and their impact on our civilization.
Aired: June 4, 2019
Guest: "Kathleen Marden":
Kathleen Marden is a leading UFO researcher, the author of several books and an international
lecturer. Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961 when her Aunt Betty and Barney Hill were
reportedly abducted in New Hampshire's White Mountains. Kathleen discusses her work with alien abductees
and latest book, "Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You've Been Abducted" which is slated for
publication later this year.
Aired: May 7, 2019
Guest: "Jaimy Mauricio":
Jaimy Mauricio discusses the upcoming X-Filers United UFO conference as well his book,
"Beyond 2012: Watch Where You're Going."
Aired: April 2, 2019
Guest: "Peter Robbins":
Peter Robbins is one of America's most respected UFO investigative writers. He is a researcher, lecturer, activist, conference organizer, documentary producer and author. He was Event Coordinator for the SCI-FI Channel's "Alien Abduction Phenomenon" a symposium organized to promote the release of the Steven Spielberg miniseries "Taken" and from 2007 until 2010 was a consultant to the city of Roswell, New Mexico and coordinator of their annual UFO symposium.
Aired: March 5, 2019
Guest: "Roger Marsh":
Roger Marsh is Director of Communication for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Roger is a MUFON case researcher for the History Channel's "Hangar 1: The UFO Files," He is editor of the monthly international MUFON UFO Journal, executive producer of the weekly "MUFON UFO Traffic Report" radio show and serves as the MUFON webmaster. Roger is also editor of the new book, "UFO Cases of Interest: 2018 Edition.
Aired: February 5, 2019
Guest: "Mack Maloney":
Mack Maloney discusses his newest book "Mack Maloney's Haunted Universe" which tries to connect the dots between thdimensional activities such as ghosts, Cryptozoology, etc.
Aired: January 1, 2019
Guest: "John Robinson":
John Robinson discusses his newest book "Paranormal Michigan" which lists 150 plus "haunted" sites throughout Michigan. We make the connection between the spiritual realm and the UFO phenomenon. Long time MUFON member and alien experiencer Sonya Young joins the conversation as well.
Aired: December 4, 2018
Guest: "Bill Konkolesky":
Bill Konkolesky, Michigan MUFON's State Director, joins host David Twichell to discuss MUFON's new book "UFO Cases of Interest: 2018 Edition." It contains some of the most compelling cses from the past year to include the US Pentagon's admission that America has been engaged in studying the UFO phenomenon while publicly stating they were not.
Aired: November 6, 2018
Guest: "Chase Kloetzke":
Ms. Chase Kloetzke is the MUFON Director of Investigtions and Star Team Director. We discuss everything from MUFON's role in bringing about UFO disclosure and her books on the subject to the possibility of ET being other dimensional instead of extraterrestrial - perhaps both.
Aired: October 2, 2018
Guest:"Tim Price":
Tim Price's offering to this genre stems from his lifelong assertion of interaction with otherworldy beings. Tim claims to have been abducted by them since childhood and has had many encounters ever since. Tim contacted the Experiencer Research Team (ERT) which is recommended by but is a separate entity from the Mutual UFO Network. Investigator John Budrys took Tim's case acting as an abductee counselor and recommended Tim for the show.
Aired: August 10, 2018
Guest:"Dan Wright":
Dan Wright is a former Michigan MUFON State Director and was later elevated to the international board of directors in 1986. Dan is in the process of having a non-fiction book published called, "CIA Chronicle: The UFO Files" in which he highlights many of the government's recently declassified documents concerning the UFO phenomenon.
Aired: July 3, 2018
Guest:"Paul Blake Smith":
Paul Blake Smith is a native of Cape Girardeau, Missouri where local legend has it that a craft (not of this world) complete with three small gray aliens, crashed in 1941. The U.S. Army moved in that night to squelch the story, swear witnesses to silence, and carefully recovered the ship, debris, and the dead ET crew. Paul lays out the evidence in his book, "MO41, The Bombshell Before Roswell" and its sequel.
Aired: June 5, 2018
Guest:"Dr. Barry Downing":
Dr. Barry Downing is a Presbyterian minister and author of the 1968 book "The Bible and Flying Saucers" in which he claims UFO phenomena are responsible for many of the events in the Bible. His most recent book os "Biblical UFO Revelations" published in 2017. Reverend Downing is also a proponent of the ancient astronaut theory and has appeared on several of History Channel's Ancient Aliens series. Dr. Downing holds a PhD in the relation between religion and science from the University of Edinburgh of Scotland.
Aired: May 1, 2018
Guest:"Jan Harzen":
Mr. Jan Harzen is the International Executive Director for MUFON. His interest in UFOs was sparked by his own sighting in 1965. Jan will discuss the Pentagon's admission they have been studying the UFO problem ever since they claimed to have stopped doing so in 1969.
Aired: April 3, 2018
Guest:"Stephen Ward":
Mr. Ward makes a compelling case that ghosts, Bigfoot, leprechauns, elves, and fairies of ancient folklore are marginalized with UFOs to minimize their reality. He makes a compelling case for the need to combine these phenomena because they do indeed belong together.
Aired: March 6, 2018
Guest:"Stephen Bassett":
Mr. Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. In 2013 PRG produced the "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Mr. Barrett discusses the recently disclosed official gun camera footage of a UFO, the ongoing US Pentagon efforts to investigate the phenomenon, and related events leading up to that disclosure.
Aired: February 6, 2018
Guest:"Cheryl Costa":
Cheryl Costa is a native and resident of upstate New York who has been interested in UFOs since age 12 when she witnessed her first UFO. A military veteran, she is a retired information security professional from the aerospace industry, and has been a speaker at the International UFO Congress and at the MUFON Symposium. Cheryl writes the UFO column "New York Skies" for SyracuseNewTimes.com.
Aired: January 2, 2018
Guest:"Paul Hellyer":
Paul Hellyer, former minister of defense for Canada in the 1960's, was the first person of Cabinet rank to make the statement, "UFO's are as real as the airplanes overhead." He has written several books mostly of a political and financial nature. However, his latest two books are "The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis" and "Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species."
Aired: December 5, 2017
Guest:"Alex Guevara":
Alex Guevara has an MBA in Business and has been working in the medical industry for 30+ years. In 2011, after hearing a story of a UFO sighting from his father, he began to seriously investigate the UFO phenomenon and was surprised to see the mountain of credible evidence.
Aired: November 7, 2017
Guest:"George Filer":
Major George Filer (retired) was an Air Force Intelligence Officer. He holds a bachelor's degree from Bradley University, a master's degree from Central Michigan University, and was the vice president of Medcor in Princeton. He debriefed four star generals and congressmen on our capabilities and the threat to our forces while holding the highest clearances in the military. George is a member of Dr. Steven Greer's "Disclosure Project" where on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington DC, he publicly testified to having encountered a massive UFO in the skies over England in 1962.
Aired: October 3, 2017
Guest:"Marie Cisneros":
Marie has always had an interest in the paranormal and UFOs since an early age, having experienced her first sighting at age 10. After an early retirement in 2006, she began to devote more time to researching the UFO phenomenon, joining MUFON that year and becoming a certified field investigator. For the past year and a half, she has been a columnist for the MUFON Journal with her "One on One" articles devoted to spotlighting MUFON investigators and officers around the country and around the world.
Aired: September 5, 2017
Guest:"Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright":
Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright is the founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness, an international initiative of The Community of the Exoconscious, a network of ET experiencers. Rebecca's signature is exploring the human/ET consciousness through contact, communication, and collaboration with ET. She authored "Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind" and has worked with the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek international science team, researching zero point energy consciousness, and the ET presence.
Aired: August 1, 2017
Guest:"Paul Stonehill":
Paul Stonehill was born in Kiev, USSR and emigrated to the US in 1979. He graduated with a BA in Political Science from California State University. Paul has worked as a journalist covering warfare as well as freelancing about UFOs and anomalous phenomena. He is the author of "Soviet UFO Files" and "Russia's UFO Secrets."
Aired: July 4, 2017
Guest:"Tom Wertman":
Tom Wertman joins us on our 11th anniversary with WHFR. Tom is the Ohio State Director for the Mutual UFO Network. He personall interviewed key witnesses in the 1973 Coyne helicopter UFO case. He has assisted in investigations in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Tom hold's a Bachelor's degree in business and a Master's in education. He will discuss his own personal UFO experiences as well.
Aired: June 6, 2017
Guest:"Dr. Edgar Mitchell":
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, passed away on February 4, 2016. We were fortunate to have had him on this show on October 5, 2015. In honor and remembrance of Dr. Mitchell, that interview will be re-aired on Tuesday, May 2. Dr. Mitchell recounts his historic moon walk, divulges a little of his family history and reiterates what he had been saying for years the fact that we are not alone in the universe. Please join us to relive his famous words.
Aired: May 2, 2017
Guest:"Dr. Bill Wickersham":
Dr. Wickersham is an educational psychologist and peace educator. He has co-authored the book "Confronting Nuclear War: The Role of Educaton, Religion, and the Community" with Jared Gassen. He has also authored "UFO Commentary: Reality, Cover-up, and Disclosure" which is a compilation of the findings of UFO researchers over the past few decades. Dr. Wickersham will discuss the topic of peace in space - that includes with our extraterrestrial neighbors.
Aired: April 4, 2017
Guest:"Paola Harris":
Ms. Harris is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She is also an author and free-lance writer. Paola has lectured all over the world and has been interviewed for many TV and radio shows. Among other things, we will be discussing her latest book, "UFOs: All the Above and Beyond."
Aired: March 7, 2017
Guest:"Jim Marrs":
Jim Marrs is an author and journalist. Since 1980, Jim has been a free-lance writer, author, and public relations consultant. Jim's 1992 non-fiction bestseller "Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy" received critical acclaim and became the basis for the Oliver Stone film, "JFK." Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film's screenplay and production. Jim has written several books to include an indepth investigation of UFOs entitled "Alien Agenda" and it has become the top selling non-fiction UFO book in the world. He is an award winning journalist and listed both in "Who's Who in the World" and "Who's Who in America."
Aired: February 7, 2017
Guest:"John Ventre":
John Ventre is a multi-State Director for the Mutual UFO Network and a columnist for 7 different UFO magazines He has made numerous televised appearances including 19 episodes on the History channel's "Hanger 1" and 43 episodes on "UFO's over Pittsburgh". He is author of 7 books on UFOs, end time prophecy, and demonology.
Aired: January 3, 2017
Guest:"Bill Murphy":
Michigan MUFON's own Bill Murphy will discuss cornerstone UFO cases like the Kinchloe AFB UFO case at Kinross in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where the plane and pilot that were scrambled to intercept the bogey disappeared and have never been found to this day. Bill Murphy has thoroughly studied this as well as many other well ocumented cases. He is a board member of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and a former State director for Michigan MUFON.
Aired: December 6, 2016
Guest:"Captain Robert Salas":
Captain Robert Salas (U.S.A.F. retired) discusses his latest book, "Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon: How World Governments Have Conspired to Conceal Humanity's Biggest Secret." Salas also wrote "Faded Giant" in which UFOs hovered over Malstrum Air Force Base in 1967 while our neclear missiles were rendered inoperable.
Aired: November 1, 2016
Guest:"Laird Scranton":
Mr. Laird Scranton joins host David Twichell to discuss ancient cosmology and language and the possible connection to the strange symbols reported to be on the surface of UFOs as well as those reported to be on their interior by alleged abductees. Why are "Egyptian hieroglyphic" style sumbols often reported in connection with a close encounter UFO sighting? Cosmologist Laird Scranton may have an answer.
Aired: October 4, 2016
Guest:"Jennifer Stein":
Jennifer is a self-taught filmmaker who produced the award winning documentary "Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton." She has lectured all over the country and has been featured on numerous radio, TV shows and documentaries. She will be presenting on the topic of Crop Circles at the MUFON Pennsylvania conference on October 28, 2016 as well as the International UFO Congress in February 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Aired: September 6, 2016
Guest:"Joseph Flammer":
Joseph Flammer joins host David Twichell on "We Are Not Alone." Mr. Flammer is a Field Investigator for the New York chapter of MUFON. One of Mr. Flammer's MUFON investigations was recently picked as one of the Top Ten cases worldwide by MUFON's Scientific Review Board. Mr. Flammer has written two books about UFOs: "UFOs Over Long Island, New York" and "UFOs Over America: Scariest Cases." Mr. Flammer has also published three books about ghosts and paranormal phenomenon with his longtime investigations partner, Ms. Diane Hill. For many years Mr. Lammer has been an award winning investigative journalist.
Aired: August 2, 2016
Guest:"Thomas J. Carey":
Thomas Carey joins host David Twichell to discuss his book "The Children of Roswell." Just when we thought we heard all the evidence available to support a UFO crash in the New Mexico desert in 1947, along come those who, as mere children, were threatened with life and limb by those who were constitutionally obligated to make them feel safe.
Aired: July 5, 2016
Guest:"Bob Mitchell":
Canadian journalist and author Bob Mitchell joins host David Twichell to discuss hs new book, "What if: Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind." Bob covered crime and sports for the Toronto Star for more than 35 years. He is the author of seven books, including three on UFOs. His other UFO books are: "Incident at Pleasant Ridge - A Canadian UFO Mystery" and "Intrusion - Alien Encounters." He is also a field investigator for MUFON based in Ontario and an executive with MUFON Canadian.
Aired: June 7, 2016
Guest:"Peter Robbins":
Peter Robbins addresses the "ridicule factor"¯ that has been associated with the UFO phenomenon at least since 1947. Peter is an investigative writer specializing in the subject of UFOs. He is co-author (with Larry Warren) of the best-selling book, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.
Aired: May 3, 2016
Guest:"Ken Pfeifer":
Ken Pfeifer is the State Director for MUFON in Vermont and Rhode Island as well as the Chief Investigator for New Jersey. He is the webmaster for the world's largest UFO photos WEB sites with over 9,000 UFO photos including the largest UFO news from around the world and over 1,200 case files. Ken is a private pilot and was in the Air Force during Operation Desert Storm. He has had 6 personal UFO sightings and a close encounter at Area 51.
Aired: April 5, 2016
Guest:"Scott and Suzanne Ramsey":
Scott and Suzanne Ramsey are the authors of "The Aztec UFO Incident." For almost 30 years they have been investigating the 1948 UFO landing in Aztec, NM. They have traveled at their own expense to interview witnesses and unearthed more than 55,000 documents pertaining to the incident.
Aired: March 1, 2016
Guest:"Bill Konkolesky":
Michigan MUFON's State Director, William Konkolesky discusses the upcoming Swamp Gas UFO Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan (March 19, 2016. The 1966 Hillsdale/Ann Arbor Michigan UFO sightings coined the term "swamp gas".
Aired: February 2, 2016
Guest:"Michael Geldmacher":
Michael has a long list of police related schools to his credit. He is presently the Director of Security for Botsford Hospital. He has been a police officer for the Wayne County sheriff's department where he worked as an undercover narcotics officer and a helicopter pilot. Michael is also a member of the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). His interest in the UFO phenomenon began with his own personal, multi-witness, close encounter sighting when he was 20 years old.
Aired: January 5, 2016
Guest:"Dr. Robert Davis":
In his book, "The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?", Dr. Davis details how his research and investigation in the UFO phenomenon convinced him that the phenomenon is a very important concern that has been ignored by the general scientific community.
Aired: December 1, 2015
Guest:"Reuben Langdon":
Reuben is a Los Angeles-based Actor and Filmmaker. He has recently produced a documentary entitled "Interviews with E. D. Extra-Dimensionals"¯ where he interviews several individuals who claim to be able to telepathically channel beings from other worlds.
Aired: November 3, 2015
Guest:"Kevin Estrella":
Kevin is the lead guitarist for the instrumental rock band "Pyramids on Mars"¯. He has had his own personal UFO sighting and has shared that experience with MUFON who have deemed his report to be of unknown origin.
Aired: October 6, 2015
Guest:"Bob and Betty Andreasson Luca":
Betty is the subject of the five book series on "The Andreasson Affair". When it comes to "high-strangeness¯", Betty and Bob's case ranks right up at the top. In the final analysis, her experience is one of the most thoroughly investigated and well documented cases in Ufology.
Aired: September 1, 2015
Guest:"Jennifer Stein":
Jennifer Stein's UFO documentaries have won 4 EBE Awards at the EBE Film Festival held every year at the International UFO Congress in Arizona. Her latest documentary is entitled "Travis: the true story of Travis Walton." His alien abduction incident in 1975 was one of the best investigated and documented cases in history, inspiring the moview "Fire in the Sky."
Aired: August 4, 2015
Guest:"Michigan Man (Ron) and his daughter (Debbie)":
Michigan man (Ron) and his daughter (Debbie) who have both had dramatic UFO sightings and close encounters with other-worldly entities, speak to host David Twichell. Debbie has had frightening experiences and unexplained physical marks since early childhood. Her parents had at least one missing time event that would boggle anyone's mind.
Aired: July 7, 2015
Guest:"Linda Zimmerman":
Linda Zimmerman is the author of over 30 books and a popular speaker, making numerous appearances on television and radio. Linda's research points to the possibility that the Hudson Valley region may be the most active in the country.
Aired: June 2, 2015
Guest:"Penny Kelly":
Penny is a writer, teacher, publisher, consultant, and Naturopathic physician. For years she was involved in the scientific investigations of crop formations, cattle mutilations, UFO materials, contactees, and people with unusual abilities of consciousness with biophysicist, the late, William C. Levengood.
Aired: May 5, 2015
Guest:"William Konkolesky":
Michigan MUFON State Director Bill Konkolesky discusses the reasons behind John Greenewald's "Black Vault"¯ website having to pull the Project Blue Book files down from his website. When Greenewald originally announced the files on his site, it created media frenzy.
Aired: March 3, 2015
Guest:"Stanton Friedman":
Stanton Friedman is probably the most recognizable name in UFOlogy. He is a Nuclear Physicist and Lecturer. Stan is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored "Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident."
Aired: February 3, 2015
Guest:"Kathleen Marden":
Kathleen Marden is known around the world for her work as a UFO abduction researcher, experiencer rights advocate, author and lecturer. Her latest book is "The Alien Abduction Files: the most startling cases of human/alien contact ever reported."
Aired: January 6, 2015
Guest:"Peter Robbins and Robert Salas":
Peter's latest book "Deliberate Deception: a case of Disinformation in the UFO Research Community", which is a Critical review of the book "Encounter In Rendlesham Forest"¯ by Nick Pope, with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston. Robbins' book is free for the downloading.
Aired: December 2, 2014
Guest:"Art Campbell":
Art Campbell is a retired educator who has been investigating the wreckage of a crashed UFO at San Augustin, New Mexico, the site of a second UFO crash involved in the famed Roswell incident. Art is the author of the book "Finding the UFO Crash at San Augustin: Isotopic Metal Analysis Not of This Earth".
Aired: November 4, 2014
Guest:"Reinerio Hernandez":
Reinerio Hernandez is a J.D. (Juris Doctor) and Ph.D. Candidate. He has only recently become an ET experiencer and has become one of the leading advocates in the contactee field. He is the founder of the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters or (FREE) teaming up with some of the biggest names in Ufology to scientifically study the ET/contactee phenomenon.
Aired: October 7, 2014
Guest:"Stephen Bassett":
Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 65-year, government imposed, truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He will soon take the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure to Capitol Hill and press for immediate congressional hearings.
Aired: September 2, 2014
Guest:"Denise David Williams":
Denise David Williams is a Hollywood film producer who is in the pre-production stages of a film about the life and work of the late Dr. John Mack of Harvard University and the trials and tribulations that he went through in an attempt to convince his colleagues (and the world at large) that alien abduction is a real phenomenon to be dealt with on the professional level.
Aired: August 5, 2014
Guest:"Yvonne Smith":
Yvonne Smith is a certified hypnotheraist who has practiced since 1990, dealing mainly with victims of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Early on in her career, she discovered that many of her patients, while under hypnosis, reported bizarre incidents of alien abductions which closely mirrored the experiences of her other patients.
Aired: July 1, 2014
Guest:"The Best of We Are Not Alone":
The Best of We Are Not Alone is in honor of the show's eighth anniversary. We revisit such guests as Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Philip Imbragno, Linda Moulton Howe, Travis Walton, and Richard Dolan.
Aired: June 3, 2014
Guest:"Phil Kava": .
Phil Kava, a Michigan native, has witnessed UFOs over Lake Michigan and over his neighborhood. He also had a traumatic experience involving an alien being in his bedroom one evening. His daughters share like experiences. He was featured on Discovery Channel's "Uncovering Aliens".
Aired: May 6, 2014
Guest:"Captain Robert Salas (AF Ret.)": Captain Robert Salas (AF Ret.) was a missile launch officer as well as an engineer on the Titan 3 missiles. While on duty at Malmstrum AFB in Great Falls, Montana, he was party to a dramatic UFO incursion in March of 1967 where at least 16 of our nuclear missiles became non-operational at two different launch facilities.
Aired: April 1, 2014
Guest:"Jan Harzan": Mr. Jan Harzan is the Executive Director for the International Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is now producing the History Channel program, "Hangar 1: UFO Files." Mr. Harzan will relate his own personal UFO sighting as a child and his subsequent lifelong exploration of the truth behind the mystery of the phenomenon.
Aired: March 4, 2014
Guest:"William Konkolesky": William Konkolesky is the State Director of the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network or MUFON. In this edition, Bill discusses cases considered to be of "high strangeness." Bill is the author of "Experiencer: Raised in Two Worlds".
Aired: February 4, 2014
Guest:"James Carman": James Carman, a cinematographer and a producer, discusses his documentary film, The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and The Government Cover-up, that explores the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
Aired: January 7, 2014
Guest:"Marilyn Ruben": Marilyn Ruben discusses the lifelong scientific contributions of W.C. Levengood who recently passed away. Marilyn also discusses her lifelong experiences as an alien contactee. Hers is the largest website dealing with the alien abduction phenomenon. Marilyn's site is Alien Abduction Experience and Research.
Aired: December 3, 2013
Guest:"Grant Cameron": Grant Cameron, webmaster for www.presidentialufo.com joins host David Twichell on this installment of We Are Not Alone. Grant had his own personal UFO sighting in 1975. He has turned his research interests to the involvement of US Presidents concerning the UFO problem.
Aired: November 5, 2013
Guest:"Butch Witkowski": Butch Witkowski, Director of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania, has a background in law enforcement, mainly in homicide. On this installment, Butch discusses startling reports of human mutilations, which mirror the evidence found at the scene cattle mutilation.
Aired: October 1, 2013
Guest:"Preston Dennett on USOs": Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986. He has become one of the world's leading authorities in all aspects of the paranormal. In this edition, we explore USO's (Unidentified Submerged Objects.)
Aired: September 3, 2013
Guest:"Citizen Hearing on Disclosure": Sound bytes from some of the 40 UFO researchers, military witnesses and high ranking political figures who testified and the ultimate reaction of the distinguished panel members.
Aired: August 6, 2013
Guest:Stephen Bassett, is a political activist and a leading advocate for UFO disclosure. Stephen discusses the all-important "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" where former Congressional representatives and one former Senator weighs the evidence and turns from skeptics to believers.
Aired: July 2, 2013
Stangl, was a special education teacher in the Iowa Public Schools. He is a former Assistant State Director for the Mutual UFO Network in Iowa and has never stopped researching the phenomenon. Daryl is a hypnotherapist and has used the practice to explore some of the hidden memories of those who claim to have been abducted by alien beings of which he is one.
Aired: June 4, 2013
Ziegelmeyer, Missouri MUFON’s State Director, is our
guest. Debbie serves on MUFON’s Board of Directors, as well as
being a MUFON “Star Team” Investigator and State
Coordinator. As the Co-Founder of MUFON’s “Dive
Team”, she deals with Underwater UFO Search and Recovery.
Aired: May 7, 2013
Guest: Preston
Dennett was a UFO skeptic until he found out that many
trusted friends and family members had their own close encounter
experiences. Today he has become a world-class expert on UFOs and
the paranormal.
Aired: April 2, 2013
Peter Robbins, author of "Left at East Gate", is a return
guest. This time, he will discuss some of the lesser known UFO
and abduction cases in the United Kingdom as well as the US.
Robbins is consulting with an up and coming New York actor and
playwright who is presently writing a stage play which documents the
ensuing investigation of the 1980 Rendlesham Forrest UFO sighting case.
Aired: March 5, 2013
Guest: The
Disclosure Project held a press conference at the National
Press Club in Washington DC in 2001. Today, we will play selected
testimonies from that conference.
Aired: February 5, 2013
Guest: Rick
Phillips is known as “The Anomaly Man". He is an
author, lecturer, paranormal experiencer and hosts his own blog site
with the paranormal theme. He has had his own personal experiences with
the paranormal to include his own close encounter UFO sighting in 1991.
Aired: January 1, 2013
Guest: Joseph
Marra is a Doctor of Nursing Practice with an established
practice at his Urgent Care Center. Joseph discusses the end date
of the Mayan calendar which some say the “end of days”.
Mr. Marra believes in curing the body, mind and spirit. He is
also well versed in the 12-21-12 prophesy.
Aired: December 4, 2012
Guest: Frank
Santariga is the author of
"Paranormal Family and Friends”. Enjoy this
discussion of his thorough examination of the ‘Hudson Valley
Triangle” phenomena of the mid 1980’s.
Aired: November 6, 2012
Guest: Scott
and Suzanne Ramsey are co-authors of "The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart
Canyon." We discuss the strong evidence that suggests
that a UFO crashed in Aztec New Mexico in 1948.
Aired: October 2, 2012
Guest: Disclosure
is a new show where they have assembled a team of three of the
worlds’ most renowned conspiracy experts who seek to expose
high-level, government cover-ups around the world - not the least of
which is the UFO phenomenon.
Aired: September 4, 2012
Guest: Beverly
Trout has
focused on investigations into UFO sightings, abductions, anomalous
crop formations, and landing traces for the past twenty years.
She also discusses her own personal alien abduction experiences.
Aired: August 7, 2012
Guest: Kathleen
Marden joins
us again this month to discuss her book (coauthor Stanton Friedman)
“Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths about Cures, Theories, and
Inventions 'They' Declared Impossible”.
Aired: July 3, 2012
Guest: Kathleen
is coauthor with Stanton Friedman of "Captured" which Chronicles
Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in 1961. Marden is Betty and
Barney Hill's niece.
Aired: June 5, 2012
Guest: Dennis
is an independent researcher, journalist and lecturer. his
research extends to investigations of Area 51, underground bases and
ancient Egypt.
Aired: April 4, 2012
Guest: Roger
is a UFO writer, author and playwright. He is director of
communications for both the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and
Pennsylvania MUFON. He writes articles for the National UFO Examiner and is the
editor of the MUFON UFO Journal.
Aired: March 6, 2012
Guest: Mack
Maloney is the author of 40 books and counting, including
two bestsellers. His latest book is entitled “UFOs in Wartime: What They
Didn’t Want You to Know”.
Aired: February 7, 2012
Guest: Stan
Gordon has had an interest in the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena
since he was a
boy. is also the author of “Silent Invasion: The
Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook”.
Aired: January 3, 2012
Guest: Paul
Von Ward
is the author of “We have Never Been Alone: A history of
Extraterrestrial Intervention”. He explores the ancient
astronaut theory, world religions and cultural myths to demonstrate the
correlation between the
aforementioned and today’s UFO phenomenon.
Aired: December 6, 2011
Guest: Linda
Moulton Howe is
an Emmy award winning TV and documentary producer, investigative
reporter and reporter of the environmental news website earthfiles.com
and author of “A Strange Harvest”, “An Alien
Harvest” “Glimpses of Other Realities” and
“Mysterious Lights and Crop circles”.
Aired: November 1, 2011
Guest: John
Ventre is
the Pennsylvania State Director for MUFON. He discusses his book
“The Day After 2012” as well as recent UFO cases on the US
east coast.
Aired: October 4, 2011
Guest: Bill
is MUFON's State Section Director for the 13 counties representing
South-Eastern Pennsylvania. Bill discusses some of our
technologies that may have been back engineered from crashed UFOs.
Aired: September 6,2011
Guest: Dr.
David Jacobs PhD is
the Director of the International Center for Abduction Research.
He is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing
in twentieth century American history and culture. He has
researched the UFO phenomenon since 1973 specializing in alien
Aired: August 2, 2011
Guest: Dennis
is an independent UFO researcher, journalist, lecturer and author of
“Searching for the Truth.”. Also a short interview
with former MOD official Nick
Aired: July 5, 2011.
Guest: Sam
Maranto is
Illinois’ State director for MUFON. Mr. Maranto is best
known for his role as the lead investigator of the 2004 Tinley Park,
IL, mass UFO sighting case, the O’Hare International Airport
sighting of 2006, and the Northlake car incident of 2008.
Aired: June 7, 2011
Guest: Peter
Robbins is
one of the best known and most respected investigative writers and
speakers with regard to the study of UFOs and their implications. He is
also is co-author of the British best-seller, "Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of
the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation."
Aired: May 3, 2011
Guest: Suzanne
Taylor is the producer and director of the documentary film "What on Earth: Inside the Crop Circle
Suzanne describes what is believed to be the meaning and message behind
the crop circle phenomenon. Learn the difference between man-made
formations and "genuine" crop circles.
Aired: April 5, 2011
Guest: Clifford
Clift is the International Director of the Mutual UFO
Network, or MUFON,
the largest civilian UFO investigative organization in the world,
dedicated to the scientific study of the UFO phenomenon. Clifford
recounts his own personal UFO sighting and shares some compelling
recent accounts from around the country.
Aired: March 1, 2011
Guest: Robert
Hastings is a UFO researcher and author. His book, "UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters
at Nuclear Weapons Sites", demonstrates that the UFO phenomenon,
contrary to our military's official declaration, is a
matter of national security.
Aired: February 1, 2011
Guest: Leslie
Kean is the author of "UFOs:
Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record".
The book includes a foreword by John Podesta, President Clinton’s
Chief of Staff, and first-person contributions written by highly
credible military and government officials from nine countries.
Aired: January 4, 2011
Guest: Richard
Dolan is the author of "UFOs
and the National Security State",
a trilogy that covers the modern UFO era, highlighting the most
compelling cases in recent history. his most recent work is "AD: After Disclosure."
Aired: December 7, 2010
Guest: Philip
Imbrogno joins
host David Twichell in this installment. He is the author of
several books, among them, “Night siege: the Hudson Valley UFO
sightings”, “Interdimensional Universe” and his
latest book, “Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's
Explorations Into High Strangeness.”
Aired: November 2, 2010
Guest: Dr. Edgar
Mitchell, the
sixth man to walk on the moon, is our guest on this episode. This
well-respected American hero recounts being told by eyewitnesses that
Roswell was a real UFO incident and we have been visited for perhaps
Aired: October 5, 2010
Guest: Marilyn
Ruben is
the webmaster for "Alien Abduction Experience and Research"
(http://www.abduct.com/), the largest site on the web that deals with
the alien abduction experience.
Aired: September 7, 2010
Guest: James
Fox is the documentary film maker of "I Know What I Saw" recently seen on
the History Channel. He is now doing a documentary on the Gulf
oil disaster.
Aired: August 3, 2010
Guest: Frank
Feschino is the author of "Shoot Them Down: The Flying
Saucer Air Wars of 1952",
which details the 1952 Washington DC UFO incident and the "Flatwoods
Aired: July 6, 2010
Guest: Travis
Walton, "Fire
in the Sky", joins host David Twichell to discuss Walton's 1975 alien
abduction experience. We examine the Discrepancies between his
version and Hollywood's.
Aired: June
1, 2010
Guest: Jaime
is an award winning journalist and investigative reporter in
Mexico. He is often called "the Dan Rather of Mexico" Jaime
presents his latest evidence of Mexican UFOs.
Aired: May
4, 2010
Guest: Lisa
Shiel has spent many years investigating the strange goings
on in Michigan's UP. UFOs and Bigfoot are her specialties.
Aired: April 6, 2010
Guest: Nick
Roesler is the photographer for MUFON and the author of "In
Focus: Photographic Evidence of Unconventional Flying Objects".
Aired: March
2, 2010
Guest: Bill
Konkolesky discusses the inter-working of the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON) as well as his new book "Experiencer: Raised in Two
Aired: February 2, 2010
Guest: Donald Schmitt is
the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies.
His latest book is "Witness
to Roswell."
January 5, 2010
Guest: Corina
author of The Collectors. Corina claims to have been an alien
abductee since childhood and now the phenomenon has carried over to her
Aired: December
1, 2009
Guest: Robert
UFO Researcher and co-author of "Exempt from Disclosure: The Black
World of UFOs". We discuss the lengths to which the government
will go to keep the UFO phenomenon secret from the general public and
the reasons behind the cover up.
November 3, 2009
Guest: TJ
Ryan is the host of the podcast show "Out There".
interest in UFOs began with his own close encounter sighting as a
youngster and shares his experience as well as those of close friends
and relatives.
Aired: October
6, 2009
Guest: Peter
Robbins is co-author with Larry Warren of“Left at East
Gate”, the 1980
Rendlesham Forest UFO landing case. He is a return guest and
discusses the alien abduction phenomenon and much more.
September 5, 2009
Guest: UFOs
and US Presidents. Host David Twichell narrates and
offers sound bites of Dennis
Kucinich, Dick Chaney, Ronald Regan, astronaut Gordon Cooper and more.
August 1, 2009
Guest: Stephen
Bassett is the founder of Paradigm Research
Group and creator of the
Paradigm Clock. Mr.
Bassett discusses the next phase of his “Million Fax on Washington”
Aired: July
4, 2009
Guest: John
Greenewald Jr. of the Black
Vault website discuss the
plethora of government documents he
has amassed and made available to the public proving that the UFO
phenomenon is
still on the top of this country’s list of concerns.
Aired: June
6, 2009
Guest: Dr.
Joye Jeffries Pugh dicusses end time prophecies,
2012, aliens and fallen angels.
Aired: May
30, 2009
Guest: James
Gilliland of
Trout Lake, WA. Many very skeptical news reporters and mainstream
scientists have
visited the Gillaland ranch and left baffled at what they had
personally observed.
Aired: May
2, 2009
Guest: David
producer of "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs", discusses
anti-gravitational and electromagnetic devices - back engineered from
crashed disks from elsewhere in the cosmos.
April 4, 2009
Guest: Lloyd Pye
is the Director of the
Starchild project and author of "Everything You Know is Wrong."
March 7, 2009
Guest: Bill
Birnes of History Channel's "UFO
Hunters" discusses the cases that he feels offer the most
compelling evidence in support of the UFO reality. Karyn Dolan
discusses the
upcoming "UFO Congress" being held in Laughlin NV.
Aired: February 7, 2009
Guest: Philip
Imbrogno returns to
discuss his latest book "Interdimensional Universe". Mr. Imbrogno
cites the string theory to suggest that
alien visitors are interdimensional in origin.
Aired: January 3, 2009
Guest: Philip
has been regarded as one of the leading UFO investigators for more than
30 years. In this installment, he discusses his book "Night Siege: The
Hudson Valley UFO Sightings".
December 6, 2008
Guest: "UFO's
Past & Present" The late Edward R. Murrow, the
late astronaut Gordon Cooper & Edgar
November 1, 2008
Guest: Stephen Bassett
is the founder
of Paradigm Research Group and creator of the
Paradigm Clock. He is the leading
advocate for UFO disclosure in Washington
Aired: October
4, 2008
Guest: James
Fox is the producer of the movie “Out of
the Blue”, one of the most comprehensive documentaries on the UFO
September 6, 2008
Joiner is
the journalist who broke
the story on the Stephenville, Texas UFO sightings that promptly spread
around the world.
August 2, 2008
Hammons is a journalist who has written many articles on the
UFO phenomenon.
Aired: July 5, 2008
Guest: Ted
Phillips has investigated more than 4,000 physical trace
landing cases.
Aired: June 7, 2008
Guest: Peter
Robbins is co-author with Larry Warren of “Left at
East Gate”, the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO landing case
Aired: May 3, 2008
Filer of the weekly internet newsletter
“Filer’s Files” (latest UFO
sighting reports) and comedian Mike Ross of “Project
2” improv troupe.
Aired: April 5, 2008
Guest: Stephen
Bassett is the founder of Paradigm Research Group
and is a Washington DC
lobbyist for UFO disclosure.
Aired: March 1, 2008
Tsoukalos is the editor of “Legendary
Times”, the leading proponent of
the ancient astronaut theory and is often referred to as “The
real Indiana Jones”.
Aired: January 5, 2008
Guest: Budd
Hopkins is a leading authority on the alien
abduction phenomenon and author of “Missing Time”
“Witnessed” “Intruders” and “Sight
Aired: December 1, 2007
Guest: Ryan
Wood is a UFO investigator and expert on the MJ12
documents. He is the author of
“Majic Eyes Only”.
Aired: November 3, 2007
Guest: Robert Peterson
is a Michigan
resident who witnessed a UFO while in the US Air Force, was threatened
and sworn to secrecy. Today he breaks his
oath of silence.
Aired: October 13, 2007
* * *
* *